Kontemporary Korea is a double bill of contrasting works, introducing one of Korea’s leading choreographers Cheol-in Jeong who creates virtuosic and emotive works as Melancholy Dance Company, and audience favourite Sung Im Her, offering her high energy and engaging personality to another edition of A Festival of Korean Dance. TomorrowIsNowTodayIsYesterday (TinTiY) Sung Im Her’sTiNTiY looks at the impact of (social) media on … [Read More]
People: Sung Im Her
K-Dance 2023: Korea National Contemporary Dance Company Double Bill
An exciting double-bill as part of A Festival of Korean Dance 2023, supported by the Korean Cultural Centre UK and Korea Arts Management Service, produced in partnership with The Place, Warwick Arts Centre, South East Dance and The Lowry. Universal beauty from the South Korean dance company – The Guardian (Immixture, KNCDC 2018) The piece … [Read More]
Korean performers at the 2022 Edinburgh Fringe
The Edinburgh Fringe is back, and this year there are nine Korean acts performing. Exciting dance performances, world music, theatre and pansori puppetry: something for everyone. Find all the details here, with booking links to the official Fringe website. Plan your Korean August in Edinburgh here! [Read More]
Festival of Korean Dance 2021: Sung Im Her
It’s great that live performance is back! As the audience will be socially distanced, the performance will take place two consecutive nights to accommodate demand. Sung Im Her: W.A.Y (re-work) Fri 17 + Sat 18 September 2021, 7:30pm | Book tickets The Place | 17 Duke’s Road | Euston | London WC1H 9PY | www.theplace.org.uk … [Read More]
Festival of Korean Dance 2020: Online Edition
The real-world Festival of Korean Dance at the end of May had to be cancelled, but we now have an online version, with one or two familiar faces represented. It’s great that as well as online performances, we’ve got some documentaries to let us hear more about the performers. And, for the first time, K-pop … [Read More]
K-Dance 2020: pre-performance conversation
Don’t miss this talk before the second performance in the Korean Dance Festival. There’s also a Q+A after the performance. Pre-show Conversation Part of A Festival of Korean Dance 2020 Tuesday 2 June 2020, 6:00pm The Place | 17 Duke’s Road | Euston | London WC1H 9PY £5 or £2.50 if bought with a ticket … [Read More]
[Uxbridge] Double Bill by Jane Chan and Sung Im Her
Wednesday 19 February 2020, 19:30 – 21:30 Antonin Artaud Theatre | Brunel University London | Uxbridge UB8 3PH Tickets £8 via Eventbrite Double Bill – Void by Jane Chan and You Are OKAY! by Sung Im Her. An evening of solo dance works by East Asian women. Void – Jane Chan Void is a solo … [Read More]
Sung Im Her: Nutcrusher, at The Place
Wednesday 30 October 2019, 7:30pm The Place | 17 Duke’s Road | London WC1H 9PY | Book tickets Free post-show talk in The Place Cafe Starkly repetitive and energetic, Nutcrusher looks at sexual objectification and power by questioning how we relate to our bodies, how they are presented and re-presented, and how cultural context affects … [Read More]
Sung Im Her in Future Fridays at Chisenhale Dance Space
Sung Im Her will be participating in a double bill at Chisenhale Dance Space, just south of Victoria Park in East London: Jane Chan & Sung Im Her Future Fridays at Chisenhale Dance Space Chisenhale Dance Space | 64-84 Chisenhale Road | London E3 5QZ | www.chisenhaledancespace.co.uk Friday 12 July 2019 | 7:30pm £5 Early … [Read More]
Sung Im Her performs Human Wall at Windrush and Beyond
Windrush Day 2019 is a celebration of the generations of migrants who have come to the UK, with a day of free performances, workshops, tours and much more suitable for the whole family. The programme of events includes a dance performance by Sung Im Her, Jin Han Choi and Hae Yeon Lim. It’s not 100% … [Read More]
Sung Im Her performs Human Wall at the V+A
As part of Refugee Week 2018 Sing Im Her will be giving a performance at the V&A this Sunday afternoon: Human Wall Sunday, 17 June 2018 The John Madejski Garden | Victoria and Albert Museum Free event Performers: Sung Im Her | Jin Han Choi | Hae Yeon Lim Music: James Hamilton “Human Wall” by … [Read More]