London Korean Links

Covering things Korean in London and beyond since 2006

K-Dance 2024: Kontemporary Korea – a double bill of K-Dance

Kontemporary Korea is a double bill of contrasting works, introducing one of Korea’s leading choreographers Cheol-in Jeong who creates virtuosic and emotive works as Melancholy Dance Company, and audience favourite Sung Im Her, offering her high energy and engaging personality to another edition of A Festival of Korean Dance. TomorrowIsNowTodayIsYesterday (TinTiY) Sung Im Her’sTiNTiY looks at the impact of (social) media on … [Read More]

Festival of Korean Dance 2020: Online Edition

The real-world Festival of Korean Dance at the end of May had to be cancelled, but we now have an online version, with one or two familiar faces represented. It’s great that as well as online performances, we’ve got some documentaries to let us hear more about the performers. And, for the first time, K-pop … [Read More]

K-Dance 2020: pre-performance conversation

Don’t miss this talk before the second performance in the Korean Dance Festival. There’s also a Q+A after the performance. Pre-show Conversation Part of A Festival of Korean Dance 2020 Tuesday 2 June 2020, 6:00pm The Place | 17 Duke’s Road | Euston | London WC1H 9PY £5 or £2.50 if bought with a ticket … [Read More]

Sung Im Her: Nutcrusher, at The Place

Wednesday 30 October 2019, 7:30pm The Place | 17 Duke’s Road | London WC1H 9PY | Book tickets Free post-show talk in The Place Cafe Starkly repetitive and energetic, Nutcrusher looks at sexual objectification and power by questioning how we relate to our bodies, how they are presented and re-presented, and how cultural context affects … [Read More]