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The Pots that gave me Joy – the first of several talks related to the KCC’s Moon Jar exhibition

To go with their current exhibition – Moon Jar – Contemporary Translations in Britain – the KCC has a range of gallery talks and events. Last Monday was an informal gallery tour, and on 1 July is the first formal talk:

The Pots that gave me joy

Bernard Leach’s personal collection by Prof. Simon Olding

BM Moon Vase

Celebrating 130 years of Anglo-Korean relations, the KCCUK’s summer exhibition explores a contemporary response to the Moon Jar and its symbolic position in Britain today. Along with the exhibition, we have a lecture on Bernard Leach’s personal collection by Professor Simon Olding on 18:30, Mon 1 July 2013 at KCCUK.

Bernard Leach collected ceramics throughout his long life from what he called ‘various backgrounds’. These works – Chinese bowls of the 11-th 13th century, Korean porcelain from the 17th and 18th century, Japanese tea wares and English slipware – formed part of the great gift Leach made at the founding of the Crafts Study Centre. The illustrated lecture will consider the meaning and the message of this collection to Leach, his ceramic work as well his prints and drawings.

Professor Simon Olding is a writer and curator, and Director of the Crafts Study Centre, University for the Creative Arts. He is a Trustee of The Leach Pottery and of Unravelled Arts and President of Walford Mill Craft Centre and the author of The etchings of Bernard Leach.

To book your place please do RSVP to [email protected] or call 020 7004 2600

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