Modern Korean Literature: An Anthology 1908-1965 Edited by Chung Chong-wha Routledge / Kegan Paul International, 1995, 467pp If you are looking to sample Korean literature in translation, the chances are that you’ll find more short stories than full length novels. This collection, though not universally enjoyable, is extremely useful in giving an overview of the … [Read More]
Author: Yi Mun-gu (이문구 1941-2003)
Selected publications by Yi Mun-gu
- A Brief Biography of Yuja (Bi-lingual, Vol 37 – Tradition) (유자소전, 1991) tr Jamie Chang, Asia Publishers 2013
Short stories in anthologies
- The Sunset over My Hometown in:
- The Tale of Kim Tagbo (김탁보전, 1968) in:
Selected titles about Yi Mun-gu
- Youngju Ryu: Writers of the Winter Republic: Literature and Resistance in Park Chung Hee’s Korea, University of Hawai'i Press 2015