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Korean Diaspora across the World: Homeland in History, Memory, Imagination, Media, and Reality

From the publisher’s website:

This edited volume analyzes the Korean diaspora across the world and traces the meaning and the performance of homeland. The contributors explore different types of discourses among Korean diaspora across the world, such as personal/familial narratives, oral/life histories, public discourses, and media discourses. They also examine the notion of “space” to diasporic experiences, arguing meanings of space/place for Korean diaspora are increasingly multifaceted.

Eun-Jeong Han is assistant professor in the Department of Communication at Salisbury University.

Min Wha Han is adjunct professor in the Department of Communication and Media Studies at Angelo State University.

JongHwa Lee is assistant professor in the Department of Communication and Mass Media at Angelo State University.


Chapter One: Looking at Koreans’ Global Migration Path through the Lenses of Family History | Eun-Jeong Han

Part I: Homeland in Personal Experiences and Memories: Identity Negotiation and Cultural Adaption among Korean Diaspora

Chapter Two: Korean Diaspora in Sakhalin – “Your Homeland Does Not Need You but We Do” | Irina Balitskaya and Jae Hyung Park

Chapter Three: Negotiating the “Homeland”: An Analysis of Narrative Identities among First-Generation Koreans in Japan | Min Wha Han

Chapter Four: Families Beyond Borders: Discourse of Homeland, Diaspora, and (Up)Rooted-Identity |
JongHwa Lee

Chapter Five: Homeland in the Kitchen: The Intersection of Food and Diasporic Identity | Jaehyeon Jeong

Chapter Six: Transnational Korean Adoptees and the Discursive Burden of Establishing Individual and Family Identity | Sara Docan-Morgan

Chapter Seven: The 1.5th and 2nd Generations in Chile: Am I a Korean? | Wonjung Min

Part II: Homeland in Public Discourses: Media Use and News Coverage of Korean Diaspora

Chapter Eight: Identity Formation of the Korean Diaspora, Koryo-Saram, in Contemporary Kazakhstan: An Analysis Based upon Articles of Koryo-Ilbo | Jinhye Lee

Chapter Nine: “Trash to the Trash Cans, Koreans to the Korean Peninsula!”: Diehard Racism and the Rise of Hate Speech against Korean Residents in Japan | Soo-Hye Han

Chapter Ten: “I Am Korean American”: Constructing Diasporic Identifications on a Korean American Facebook Group and Pinterest Board | David C. Oh

Chapter Eleven: Online Community for Information, Support, and Transnational Activities: A Case of MissyUSA among Female Korean Im/migrants in the United States | EunKyung Lee

Chapter Twelve: Context Matters: The Effect of Homeland Media Use on the Generation of Social Capital among Korean Communities in the U.S. | Sohyun Choi and Claire Shinhea Lee

Chapter Thirteen: Coreano Vlogs: Diasporic Media and the Politics of Asian Representation in Latin America | Benjamin M. Han

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