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Neo-Confucianism in Korea

From the publisher’s website:

Chinese and Japanese Neo-Confucius scholars have traditionally claimed that Korean Neo-Confucianism was an imitation of Chinese Neo-Confucianism, a belief which was generally accepted by Western scholars. Now, this book edited from the theses of representative Korean Neo-Confucius scholars, shows that the three Korean scholars, T’aegye, Yulgok and Dasan in the Chosŏn Dynasty, developed Neo-Confucianism as a national political and religious philosophy which became specialized in a uniquely Korean way.


Characteristics of Korean Neo-Confucianism – Chai-shin Yu
The Four Seven Debate: Toegye’s View of the Mind-and-Heart and the Nature – Sasoon Yun
The Philosophy of Yulgok Lee – Chong-hong Park
Yi-I (Yulgok, 1536-1584) and Korean Neo-Confucianism – Chai-shin Yu
Buddhism and Yulgok’s Thought – Suk-koo Song
Chong Dasan on Western Learning and Confucianism – Chang-tae Kum

External links:

* Where the book is available from a number of sources, they are prioritised as follows: (1) Amazon UK site, or for the more recent uploads (2) Amazon US site (3) Other sites in US or Europe, including second-hand outlets (4) LTI Korea, where the title is advertised as available from there (5) Onlines stores in Korea. Links to and Amazon UK site contain an affiliate code which, should you make a purchase, gives a small commission to LKL at no additional cost to you.