Susaek tells the story of a writer who, in the midst of a mid-life crisis, begins a search for his identity. As a child and encouraged by his family, Lee Su-Ho mistakenly believed that he was the child of his father’s mistress. When the mistress left, Su-Ho felt abandoned by both his real mother and “that Mom,” but he suppressed the painful memories. A chance visit to Susaek, where he believes “that Mom” has moved, leads Su-Ho to embark on a quest for “that Mom,” which forces him to reexamine his past, his relationship with his wife, his mother, and women in general. The journey returns him to his hometown and an emotional encounter with his real mother that results in a deeper understanding of who he is and how his past has affected his life.
Born in 1958 into a family that valued Confucianism above all else, Lee Sun-Won started writing full time in his mid thirties. He is a prolific writer whose novels and short stories have touched the hearts of many Koreans. His work often explores family conflicts and issues that arise when traditional Korean culture conflicts with modern Korea. Susaek won the prestigious Dong-In Literary Award and many of Lee Sun-Won’s other works have also been recognized throughout Korea.