London Korean Links

Covering things Korean in London and beyond since 2006

Festival visit: Gaksi, Mago

In Korean mytholoogy there is a legendary grandmother figure, a giant goddess who created islands and arranged the mountains and the oceans in their proper positions. In Jeju Island, she is known as Seolmundae Halmang – Grandmother Seolmundae; elsewhere in Korea she is known as Mago. The stories about her are sometimes comic, sometimes tragic. … [Read More]

Festival visit: Jasmine Gwangju

Gwangju seems an event from the distant past, but in fact was only 31 years ago. This year, the archives which document the history of that brief uprising were listed by UNESCO in their Memory of the World register. With perfect timing, bearing in mind the democratic uprisings in the Arab world this year, the … [Read More]

A Korean Tempest: Sympathy from Mr Vengeance

Those who are familiar with Korean cinema will not need to be told that vengeance is a familiar topic, and indeed forms the theme for Park Chan-wook’s unplanned trilogy of films of which the best known is Oldboy. And probably many an essay has been written in Film Studies classes as to why Korean directors … [Read More]

Korean performers at the 2011 Edinburgh Fringe

Korean performers are continuing their tradition of bringing entertaining shows to the Edinburgh Fringe. Alongside the significant Korean productions as part of the main festival this year, you will find physical theatre, puppetry, traditional and indie music, and much more: Gaksi, Mago Category: Theatre Genres: drama Group: Kkachidong Venue: theSpaces @ Surgeons Hall Event … [Read More]