Join a wide range of students and scholars for this two-day in-person conference examining the lives and struggles of young people in Korea. This public conference sees researchers and academics coming together to explore the ways in which the lives of Korean young people have been affected by societal changes. Political upheaval, the climate crisis, … [Read More]
Venue: University of Edinburgh Scottish Centre for Korean Studies
Yun Posun Memorial Symposium 2022
The Yun Posun Memorial Symposium was established in March 2013 to foster new partnerships between the UK and Korea, promoting longer-term understanding and the growth of contemporary Korean studies and culture in Scotland. The symposium is named after Yun Posun, who graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 1930 and ultimately became the father of … [Read More]
Scottish CKS Spring Distinguished Lecture Series
The Scottish Centre for Korean Studies has announced the programme for its Spring Term Distinguished Lecture Series. Publicity still seems to be Facebook only, and you need to visit their Facebook page periodically to get zoom registration links and lecture abstracts. Here’s what we know so far: 11:00 am – 12:30 pm Wednesday 26 Jan … [Read More]
Roundtable: Rewriting the history of culture in 1970s and 1980s South Korea
Two of my favourite essay collections. I’m definitely going to be registering for this University of Edinburgh Asian Studies Roundtable. Rewriting the history of culture in 1970s and 1980s South Korea Wednesday 17 November 2021, 4 – 6 pm (UK time) Dr Youngju Ryu (University of Michigan) and Dr Sunyoung Park (University of Southern California) … [Read More]
Scottish CKS Distinguished Lecture Series: November talks
The Scottish Centre for Korean Studies has announced its November series of lectures. I’ve yet to find a web page where details in good old-fashioned text can be found, but poster images are posted on their Facebook page, where you can also find registration links for the Zoom meetings. This month we have: Wed 10 … [Read More]
2021 University of Edinburgh Yun Posun Memorial Symposium
The 2021 University of Edinburgh Yun Posun Memorial Symposium takes the pandemic as its theme: New Agenda for South Korea-UK Cooperation in the COVID19 Era 2 – 3 November 2021 Zoom and YouTube Online Symposium First day: 2nd November, 2021 (10:00 am-12:30pm GMT, 7:00pm-9:30pm KST) Registration (9:30am-10:00am GMT, 6:30pm-7:00pm KST) Opening Ceremony (10:00am-11:05am GMT, 7:00 … [Read More]
Scottish CKS Distinguished Lecture Series – Q1 2021
The regular series of SOAS seminars was disrupted during 2020. While we look forward to seeing their 2021 programme, it’s great that the Scottish Centre for Korean Studies at the University of Edinburgh has stepped forward with a great series of talks for the first quarter of 2021. Talks are free, and conducted via Zoom. … [Read More]
The second SoKEN conference agenda announced
Originally scheduled for April 2020, the 2nd SoKEN (Social Science Korean Studies European Network) Conference has moved online and takes place on 29 January 2021, courtesy of the Scottish Centre for Korean Studies at the University of Edinburgh. The conference is open to all, but pre-registration is required to get your personal Zoom link. Register here. Keynote … [Read More]
Edinburgh conference on Reunification of the peninsula and the March 1st Independence Movt
The Edinburgh Korean Students Society is holding a conference on 29 February 2020 to commemorate the March 1st Independence Movement in 1919 against Japanese colonial rule: Korea Conference: Exploring the Korean Independence Movement and the Reunification of the Korean Peninsula Saturday, 29 February 2020, 10:00-19:30 Lecture Theatre A | David Hume Tower | George Square … [Read More]
Call for Papers: SoKEN 2020, Edinburgh
Call for Papers for SoKEN 2020, Edinburgh, UK, 8-9 April 2020 The Social Sciences Korean Studies European Network (SoKEN) and Korean Studies, Department of Asian Studies, The University of Edinburgh invite paper and panel proposals for their upcoming conference Divided Societies on the Korean Peninsula Korean Studies in the Department of Asian Studies at the … [Read More]
Joint East Asian Studies Conference, Edinburgh, Sept 2019
The programme has been announced for the 2019 Joint East Asian Studies Conference in Edinburgh. It’s a busy three days and you’ll have to plan your time ruthlessly: over 60 panel sessions, but you’ll only be able to go to nine of them (or even fewer if you feel obliged to go to the BAKS, … [Read More]
Call for Papers: Joint East Asian Studies Conference, Edinburgh, Sept 2019
Deadline for this call for papers is 1 February 2019: Call for Papers Joint East Asian Studies Conference, University of Edinburgh, 4 – 6 September 2019 We are pleased to announce that the triennial Joint East Asian Studies Conference (JEASC) will be held at the University of Edinburgh from 4 to 6 September 2019. The … [Read More]
Call for Papers: The 6th Yun Posun Memorial Symposium
Just received into my inbox, a call for papers for the 6th Yun Posun Memorial Symposium at the University of Edinburgh: Inequality in Global Cities, Seoul in Comparative Perspective Date: 8th – 9th October 2018 Venue: University of Edinburgh, Playfair Library Seoul, as any global mega cities, inequality persists, as marginalised individuals and communities include … [Read More]
Festival Exhibition Visit: Nam June Paik Resounds at the Talbot Rice Gallery
The Talbot Rice Gallery in the University of Edinburgh is the venue for a retrospective of Nam June Paik’s work during the course of the 2013 International festival. While the major show in Tate Liverpool (Dec 2010 – Mar 2011) interestingly devoted a lot of space to his early collaborations, here his video work and … [Read More]
Nam June Paik to be showcased at Edinburgh International Festival
The Edinburgh International Festival this year features work by Nam June Paik, hosted by the Talbot Rice Gallery, commemorating the 50th anniversary of Paik’s first solo exhibition in Wuppertal, 1963. Transmitted Live: Nam June Paik Resounds Exhibition curated by Pat Fisher, Talbot Rice Gallery, University of Edinburgh, Seong Eun Kim and Chaeyoung Lee, Nam June … [Read More]
Yun Posun Memorial Symposium in Edinburgh
Yun Posun (윤보선, 1897 – 1990), briefly President of South Korea between Syngman Rhee and Park Chung-hee, was an alumnus of Edinburgh University. This connection is being celebrated for the first time this year, which marks the 130th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Korea and the UK Yun Posun Memorial Symposium Korea-UK Partnering for the Future … [Read More]