Some time ago I watched Park Chong-wan’s 1995 historical mystery movie Eternal Empire on DVD, having purchased it on the strength of its inclusion in Darcy Paquet’s list of top films from the 1990s. I must have been tired when I watched it: I simply have no recollection of what I thought of it, though … [Read More]
Translator: Yu Young-nan
Selected translations
- Son Hong-kyu: The Muslim Butcher tr Yu Young-nan, Merwin Asia 2016
- Jung Mi-kyung: My Son’s Girlfriend tr Yu Young-nan, Dalkey Archive 2013
- Park Wan-suh: Who Ate Up All the Shinga? tr Stephen Epstein, Yu Young-nan, Columbia University Press 2009
- Yom Sang-seop: Three Generations tr Yu Young-nan, Archipelago 2006
- Anthology: Literature from the “Axis of Evil” ed Words Without Borders, The New Press 2006
- Park Wan-suh: Weathered Blossom (bilingual) tr Yu Young-nan, Hollym 2006
- Jung-woon Choi: The Gwangju Uprising: The Pivotal Democratic Movement That Changed the History of Modern Korea tr Yu Young-nan, Homa + Sekey 2005
- Lee Mu-young: Farmers tr Yu Young-nan, Homa + Sekey 2002
- Han Sung-won: Father and Son tr Julie Pickering, Yu Young-nan, Homa + Sekey 2002
- Yi In-hwa: Everlasting Empire tr Yu Young-nan, Eastbridge 2002
- Park Wan-suh: The Naked Tree tr Yu Young-nan, Cornell East Asia Series 1995
A look back at our 2020 reading diary
Like many readers, we started the year with good intention of blitzing through the pile of new titles that were promised for the coming months, as well as making inroads into the backlog. And we genuinely got off to a good start with a string of fun K-thrillers, some of them new, some not: The … [Read More]
Yom Sang-seop: Three Generations
(Archipelago, 2005) Translated by Yu Young-nan. First published in Korean in 1931 as 삼 대 and revised in 1948. Chronicles the lives of an extended wealthy family in Japanese-occupied Seoul. The old order gradually fades, the vultures descend for the pickings, while an underground of nationalists and socialists struggle to make a difference. Recommended. Available … [Read More]