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Twinsters – what a compelling story

Busan-born adoptees: American actress Samantha Futerman (left) and French fashion student Anais Bordier. Identical twins separated at birth? Source: Kickstarter via JoonAng Ilbo

On February 21, 2013, Samantha, an American actor living in Los Angeles, received a message via Facebook that would drastically change her life. It was from Anaïs, a French fashion design student living in London. Anaïs’ friends viewed a YouTube video featuring Samantha. They were immediately blown away by the identical appearance of Samantha & Anaïs. After a few light Google stalking sessions, Anaïs & her friends discovered that both girls were born on November 19, 1987 & adopted shortly after. Anaïs knew immediately that it was possible for Samantha to be her biological twin sister & reached out to her through Twitter & Facebook…

Support their reunion documentary project, Twinsters, on Kickstarter.

Source: Joongang Ilbo