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Selected publications by Shin Dong-hyuk

Shin Dong-hyuk: “passionate human rights campaigner and an ordinary young man”

Youngeun Koo reports from the first of EAHRNK’s “North Korean Memoirs” events. On Tuesday 16 September, the UK had the rare opportunity to meet Shin Dong-hyuk in person. Shin is so far the only person known to have successfully escaped from Camp 14, a ‘total control camp’ in North Korea. Organised by European Alliance for … [Read More]

Exposing Crimes against Humanity in North Korea

This Wednesday there’s an opportunity to hear about human rights abuses first-hand from North Korean escapees, in the Houses of Parliament. The World’s Most Closed Nation: Exposing Crimes against Humanity in North Korea Kim Joo-il Former Soldier in the North Korean Army Shin Dong-hyuk North Korean prison camp escapee Yun Tae-yang Parliamentary Candidate in South … [Read More]