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Diplomacy, Trade, and South Korea’s Rise to International Influence

From the publisher’s website:

This volume details how the diplomatic successes of South Korean presidents removed the country from the international isolation it experienced in the aftermath of the Korean War and also provided the necessary international connections for the expansions of international trade it experienced. Patterson and Choi explain how diplomacy then was the primary process that allowed for the successful implementation of South Korea’s export-led economic development strategy which in turn led to the rapid growth that allowed it to eventually the internationally influential actor it is today

Dennis Patterson is professor at Texas Tech University.
Jangsup Choi is associate professor of political science at Texas A&M University-Commerce.


Chapter 1: South Korea’s Post-Armistice Rise to Prosperity and International Influence
Chapter 2: Diplomacy and International Trade in South Korea’s Transformation
Chapter 3: Cold War Diplomacy and the Origins of South Korea’s International Rise
Chapter 4: Post-Cold War Diplomacy and the Path to International Influence
Chapter 5: Trade, Diplomacy and South Korea’s Economic Development
Chapter 6: Diplomacy, Economic Development, and South Korea’s Rise to International Influence
Chapter 7: The Present and Future of South Korea’s International Influence

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