A Roundtable on Contemporary South Korean Politics Speakers: Jang Kyung-tae (Democratic Party of Korea), Kim Jaesub (People Power Party), Lee Jaeyoung (People Power Party). Chair: Dr John Nilsson-Wright Following President Yoon Suk-Yeol’s surprise announcement of martial law on December 3, 2024, South Korean politics has been plunged into a period of great political uncertainty and … [Read More]
Category: Politics
The Postdevelopmental State: Dilemmas of economic democratization in contemporary South Korea
Dr Doucette will introduce his recently published book on the politics and political economy of contemporary South Korea – a book that is even more topical in the current political crisis the country is facing. This book is a major contribution to both Korean and East Asian Political Economy across a number of different disciplines. … [Read More]
Anti-Feminist backlash: Gender and generational conflict in South Korea
Scholarship on Korean elections and voting behavior has emphasised the shift from traditional cleavages such as ideology and region to newer ones, including generation, class, and gender. One of the most common keywords used during South Korea’s 2022 presidential election was Idaenam (male in twenties), hinting at the social group more likely to prove determinant … [Read More]
Korea Society Webcast: Korean Election Analysis
Stanford University Professor Gi-Wook Shin joins Korea Society Senior Director Stephen Noerper for a timely breakdown of the April 15 Korean legislative elections. Professor Shin, Director of the Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, Director of Korean Studies, and William J. Perry Professor of Contemporary Korea, examines the voice of the electorate and impact of the National … [Read More]
KEI webinar: The Implications of South Korea’s National Assembly Elections
This webinar, organised by the Korea Economic Institute of America, seems to be open to anyone interested, but you do need to register with KEI. The Implications of South Korea’s National Assembly Elections Thursday, April 16, 2020 9:00am-10:00am U.S. EDT | 2:00pm-3:00pm U.K. BST | 10:00pm-11:00pm KST Livestreamed via Zoom Register via KEI website Featuring: … [Read More]
Bora Kwon interviewed in the Guardian
Bora Kwon, Labour councillor for Hammersmith and Fulham, and one of only two councillors of Korean background in the UK, gets a nice interview in the Guardian this week. She talks about her life in the UK, politics and of course health. Read the interview in full here. You can follow Councillor Kwon on Twitter … [Read More]
2020 LSE SU Korea Future Forum: Korea’s Ascent to the Global Stage
News of this years Korea Future Forum at the LSE: LSESU Korea Future Forum 2020: Korea’s Ascent to the Global Stage LSE Old Theatre | Houghton St | London WC2A 2AE Saturday, 29 February 2020 from 10:00-17:30 £10.00 (Early Bird Student) | £30.00 (Early Bird Standard) | Buy tickets Official website: lsesukfa.com Panel 1. Fourth … [Read More]
BKS / Chatham House Korean Ambassadors talk: the podcast
For those, such as myself, who couldn’t make it to the recent talk on the Diplomatic Outlook on the Korean Peninsula, Chatham House has kindly uploaded a recording of the event, which you can find on the Chatham House website [edit: page now removed from the website] and embedded below. The Guardian picked up one … [Read More]
BKS / Chatham House event: The Korean Peninsula – A Diplomatic Outlook
An event for British Korean Society members: join now. The Korean Peninsula – A Diplomatic Outlook Thursday 13 June 2019, 5.30 pm to 6.30pm Chatham House | 10 St James’s Square | London SW1Y 4LE Members of the BKS are warmly invited to the annual briefing given by the British Ambassadors to Seoul and Pyongyang, … [Read More]
Francis Daehoon Lee meets Jeremy Corbyn
On Monday, before his London talk on Denuclearising The Korean Peninsula, Prof Francis Daehoon Lee of People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy was invited to lunch with Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn, in a restaurant in his Islington constituency. He said he was impressed by Corbyn’s understanding of the situation in the Korean peninsular. Prof. Lee is … [Read More]
Gender and Politics in Northeast Asia: Legislative Patterns of Female Legislators in Korea and Taiwan
Organised by the SOAS Centre of Taiwan Studies, but of interest to Koreanists: Gender and Politics in Northeast Asia: Legislative Patterns of Female Legislators in Korea and Taiwan 5 December 2018, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm SOAS, Russell Square, College Buildings, Room 4426 Abstract Drawing insights from the literature on the effect of gender on … [Read More]
Assessing the Moon Administration One Year On
It’s a while since Chatham House did a session on South Korea, and the timing for this couldn’t be better. Assessing the Moon Administration One Year On 13 June 2018 – 1:15pm to 5:45pm Chatham House | 10 St James’s Square | London SW1Y 4LE Participants Victor Cha, Senior Adviser and Korea Chair, Center for … [Read More]
UK gets its first elected Korean councillors
Congratulations to Ha Jaesung and Kwon Bora, who have become the first Koreans to be elected councillors in the UK following the local elections on 3 May. Ha was elected to the Kingston Council for the Lib Dems, while Kwon was elected to Hammersmith and Fulham for Labour. He stood for the first time in … [Read More]
The LKL quiz of the year 2017
I’m currently going through my 2017 press cuttings and trying to make sense of them, in the hope that as in (some) previous years I’ll be able to pull together a series of posts summarising some of the most newsworthy stories of the year. In case I don’t manage to get that done (after all, … [Read More]
Film review double bill: Bamseom Pirates and Criminal Conspiracy
This weekend gave us the opportunity to watch two very different documentaries which cast their critical eye over contemporary Korean society and recent political history. Part of the fascination of both of them for UK-based Korea-watchers is the way they resonate: they provide, in the one case, a laser-like dissection of an issue of which … [Read More]
Screening: Criminal Conspiracy
News of a free documentary screenings courtesy of the Birkbeck International Documentary Society: Criminal Conspiracy 공범자들 Dir: Choi Seung-ho (2017, 105 mins) Birkbeck Cinema | 43 Gordon Square | London WC1H 0PD 7 October 2pm | Event’s Facebook page During the Lee Myung-Bak presidency Public Broadcasting in South Korea came under heavy government control and … [Read More]