(Green Integer, 2004) Translated by Jennifer Lee, Timothy R. Tangherlini Originally published as 당신들의 천국, Seoul, 1976 A puzzling story about the struggles of successive managers of a leper colony to improve the lot of the lepers. I think the Complete Review shares my puzzlement. One of the best-selling novels of 20th Century Korean literature, … [Read More]
Translator: Jennifer M Lee
Selected translations
- Im Cheol-woo: Farewell Valley tr Jennifer M Lee, Jonathan R Bagley, Merwin Asia 2015
- Yi Cheong-jun: Two Stories From Korea: The Wounded & The Abject tr Grace Jung, Jennifer M Lee, Merwin Asia 2015
- Hyun Ki-young: One Spoon on This Earth tr Jennifer M Lee, Dalkey Archive 2013
- Yi Cheong-jun: The Wounded (Bi-lingual, Vol 1 – Division) tr Jennifer M Lee, Asia Publishers 2012
- Yi Cheong-jun: Your Paradise tr Jennifer M Lee, Timothy R Tangherlini, Green Integer 2005
- Yi Cheong-jun: The Wounded tr Jennifer M Lee, Jimoondang 2002