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Collected Short Stories from Korea

According to Charles Montgomery, this is the second compilation of Korean translated fiction. The collection includes the following stories

An Su-gil: Annals of a Ranch
Choe Cheong-hui: Chomnye
Choi Tae-ung: Blood Phlegm
Chu Yo-seop: Mama and the Boarder
Chun Young-Taik: The Cow
Chun Pi-Sook: Home-coming
Hahn Moo-Sook: Halo around the Moon
Kim Song-Han: Coming Home
Kim Dong-ni: Greedy Youth
Pak Ke-Ju: Mother’s Breast
Pak Yong-jun: Dilemma
Hwang Sun-won: The Lost Ones
Yi Chu-Hyon: Green Frog
Yu Chuhyǒn : The Weather Chart

The translators are not recorded

* Where the book is available from a number of sources, they are prioritised as follows: (1) Amazon UK site, or for the more recent uploads (2) Amazon US site (3) Other sites in US or Europe, including second-hand outlets (4) LTI Korea, where the title is advertised as available from there (5) Onlines stores in Korea. Links to and Amazon UK site contain an affiliate code which, should you make a purchase, gives a small commission to LKL at no additional cost to you.