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Spring at Silsangsa Temple (Bi-lingual, Vol 29 – South and North)

Translated by:
Publisher: , 2013
Original title: 봄 실상사
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“In that moment, the full moon was hiding behind the clouds, and the world darkened. Since I couldn’t understand how the bicycle could have disappeared when she was walking back out, I poked and looked around here and there. Have I seen a phantom? The full moon came out from behind the clouds, and the world brightened instantaneously. In that moment I caught sight of a bicycle. I looked at it closely and realized that it was not a new bicycle, but a completely broken-down one. The only things left were spokes in the skeletal back wheel. For a while I stared absentmindedly at the bicycle. By now, the woman must have been on the other side of Haetal Bridge, entering the world. I lifted the broken bicycle and threw it into the recycling station. With a loud clamor, the bicycle was wedged upside down in the heap of trash. Whether that woman was Unseo or not no longer mattered.”

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