London Korean Links

Covering things Korean in London and beyond since 2006

Kimchi juice: the art medium of the future – a visit to Give me Shelter at Union Gallery

I went to the “Give me Shelter” exhibition at the Union Gallery one lunchtime this week, as it’s only 15 minutes walk from my office. I’ll be going back again. Possibly the easiest works to relate to are the biggest and the smallest. Hyungkoo Lee‘s skeletal coyote and roadrunner occupied a whole room, atmospherically lit. … [Read More]

Mingei one-day workshop at the British Museum

Those who enjoyed the Traditional Yet Contemporary exhibition during the Korean Festival this year may appreciate this one-day workshop at the British Museum on 9 September, 10am-6pm. While the focus is on Japanese work, there is a common thread with the exhibition earlier this year: Bernard Leach. One or two of his works were on … [Read More]

Think Korea website now up & running

It’s taken a while, but here it is: It seems to be part of the Korean Embassy website. And it’s now coming up on google. It must be a recent creation, because I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve googled in search of “Think Korea 2006” and only found my own site. … [Read More]

Yoko Ono at St Pauls

I was trying to find an excuse to plug an event put on by a charity I’m involved with. It’s an installation of two of Yoko Ono’s works, at St Paul’s Cathedral as part of the City of London Festival. The major piece is Morning Beams, installed in the north transept, modelled by the artist … [Read More]

Four emerging artists

From a recent two-part article in the Korea Herald: Four emerging artists by Shin Hae-in 6 April 2006 In recent years, young artists in their 20s and 30s have emerged as the mainstream of the art world, bringing rapid changes to the domestic art scene. The Korea Herald met four of these emerging artists in … [Read More]

Book now for Madrid 07

First the good news. You have an excuse to escape from the UK in dreary February next year for a long weekend in Madrid (15-19 February 2007): ARCO, a contemporary art expo in Madrid, has Korea as a guest of honour, so 20 Korean galleries will be exhibiting. Not so good news: in a classic … [Read More]

Exhibition Visit: Traditional yet Contemporary

Air Gallery, London, May 29 – June 3 2006 As Stephanie Seung-min Kim says in her article introducing the exhibition, “…culture can only be seen in a clear light when compared with other cultures. I believe that is why Korean ceramic works have to be judged more in an international setting.” The exhibition demonstrated the … [Read More]

New Korean gallery opens in Paris

For your weekend away in Paris, there’s a new attraction. Steer clear of anything to do with the Da Vinci Code at the Louvre and instead go to the new museum of African & Asian cultures at Quai Branly. Thanks to David at for a link to this article on the Yonhap site. SEOUL, … [Read More]

Korean Ceramics – Traditional Yet Contemporary

One of the highlights of this year’s Korean festival is likely to be the exhibition at Air Gallery, 32 Dover Street, London W1S 4NE, 29 May 2006 – 3 June 2006 — juxtaposing the work of contemporary British potters with the work of modern Korean ceramic artists. Stephanie Seungmin Kim, curator of the show, explains. … [Read More]

Korean Ceramics: Arts and Techniques. Or, Why don’t people talk to each other?

KOREAN CERAMICS: ARTS AND TECHNIQUES TALK BY DAUPHINE SCALBERT Thursday 25 May 2006, 6.30-7.30pm at Asia House Dauphine Scalbert is a distinguished French potter who, having spent 6 years studying pottery and restoring antique ceramics in Korea, has Korean pots in her blood. Her copiously illustrated talk at Asia House last night was an interesting … [Read More]