London Korean Links

Covering things Korean in London and beyond since 2006

Celebs, Pit bulls and hairdos

As is customary at this time of year, I’ve been looking at the readership statistics. And, in general, the results are remarkably similar to last year. Yes, it’s the same old celebrities which generate the traffic. For those who know what they’re looking for it’s Super Junior which is the sure winner, while for those … [Read More]

The top 30 LKL pictures of 2007: the top 10

Here’s the top ten. And probably not all that work-safe. #10: The second appearance of LKL’s favourite ex-playboy model, Lee Sabi (806 views): #9: The Chejudo Love Land theme park (884): #8: Sassy girl and last vampire Jeon Ji-hyun displaying her smooth thighs as a rock chick (969): #7: Pop diva, CF queen and all-round … [Read More]

The top 30 LKL pictures of 2007

Part 1: #21-30 Inspired by the cheap TV programmes which seem to have taken over the evening schedules in the UK, simply recycling clips from other TV programmes (The 100 most embarrassing celebrity moments, and the like), here’s a chance to sample again the pictures most viewed on this site during 2007, according to AWstats. … [Read More]

April Statistics

Search terms The natural order of things was restored in April, with Lee Sabi back as easily the most popular search term. BoA’s Nike contract is slipping down the rankings. Rain and Baek Ji-young are number two and three. In March the wildcard search term was the Monochrome Movement. This month it seems that a … [Read More]

March statistics

The Move Another objective for the year ticked off: March saw the successful move from EasySpace to Bluehost. No thanks to They came recommended by Bluehost as people who could help move your stuff over. I thought it would be a nice insurance policy to have some outside help in case anything went wrong, … [Read More]

January statistics

It’s the end of January and I’ve already hit some of my objectives for the year. From here the only way is down. So what happened in January? A link from the Marmot, firstly in a post following that Korea Times piece, and now I’ve made it into his blogroll. Visitor numbers were looking good … [Read More]

A date with Rain? I’d rather have my hair done

“Sorry, I’m washing my hair that night” is the familiar put-down you get when the girl of your dreams doesn’t fancy a date with you. But it’s also true of LKL visitors. They’re much more interested in finding the best Korean hairdressers in London, or reading about the techniques involved in a “Magic Straight” perm, … [Read More]