From the publisher’s website:
About the Book
SF-Consensus is a poetry collection of 80 poems by Park Je-chun. In reading Park’s poetry one often gets the impression that he communicates intimately and intensely with nature and the transcendent realm as well as everyday human reality. His poetic prowess often creates esoteric yet gripping imagery, stories and episodes, demonstrating a transcendental spirit which ventures and journeys beyond the temporal. In his poetic work, one finds similarities to magic realist literature.
Whatever he imagines and conceives poetically he seems able to embody or evoke in vigorous Korean imagery, sounds and emotions. His poetry is largely marked by far-reaching poetic and metaphysical imagination and contemplation. Also, one can easily perceive how deeply he is involved with and immersed and steeped in poetry-writing.
About the Author
Park Je-chun was born in Seoul, Korea in 1945. He made his debut as a poet in 1966 through the monthly Modern Literature. He is one of the most important poets in Korea today. In 1984 he published The Mind and Other Poems, which included his poems translated into English, French, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese languages. In 1997 the Cornell University Press published a collection of English translations of his poetry as part of the Cornell East Asian Series. Park has published a total of 15 volumes of his poems. He has won the Modern Literature Prize, the Korea Poets Association Prize, the Woltan Literary Prize, the Gongcho Literary Prize and several other literary awards. He was invited to the 1984 International Writer’s Program at Iowa University. Currently he is the representative of the Literature Academy in Seoul.
About the Translator
Chang-Soo Ko’s poems, in Korean and in English, have been published in Korean and American journals. He has published more than six books of poems including Things, Their Eyes and Ears (2013) and one of his book of poems What the Spider Said: Poems of Chang Soo Ko was published in English. He also translated several books of Korean poetry including Sending the Ship out to the Stars and Drawing Lines: Selected Poems of Moon Dok-su. He was awarded the Poetry Prize, the Jung-mun Literary Award, the Modern Korean Literature Translation Award (for poetry), the Bolan Inter-national Merit Award (for poetry) in Pakistan and the Luci-an Blaga International Poetry Festival Grand Prize in Ro-mania. He won an award at the annual poetry contest held by the American Poetry Association in 1983-1984.