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If my tongue refuses to remain in my mouth

From the publisher’s website:

Sunwoo Kim’s debut collection of poems, If My Tongue Refuses to Re­main in My Mouth, appeared in 2000, declaring in the boldest terms that at the outset of the new millennium she would bring to the page a rad­ically different conception of poetry. Central to her work is the belief that in what Lao Tzu calls “the world of ten thousand things” the poet reveals the manifold ways in which one thing is connected to another, her poetic self expanding into the world even as the world flows into her. This interconnectedness marks a return to a maternal, communal, and ecological view of the human condition.

External links:

* Where the book is available from a number of sources, they are prioritised as follows: (1) Amazon UK site, or for the more recent uploads (2) Amazon US site (3) Other sites in US or Europe, including second-hand outlets (4) LTI Korea, where the title is advertised as available from there (5) Onlines stores in Korea. Links to and Amazon UK site contain an affiliate code which, should you make a purchase, gives a small commission to LKL at no additional cost to you.